Composting: The Best Way To Dispose Of Dead Stock

Composting: The Best Way To Dispose Of Dead Stock

Sadly, no matter how much caring and preparation you put into your animals, occasionally one will die. Now what? What is the appropriate way to dispose of the carcass? The proper disposal method of dead livestock is composting. As much as I love raising animals, livestock death is still dreadful and such a hard thing…

Livestock Watering Needs: Plus Extreme Weather Watering Tips

Livestock Watering Needs: Plus Extreme Weather Watering Tips

Your livestock will need access to plenty of water everyday of the year. Some animals can get most of their daily water needs from grass, but still need to drink some water as well. This is especially true for lactating (milking) moms. Livestock need plentiful, clean water in all seasons of the year. The highest…

Tags vs Tattoos: Which Is Better For Animal Identification?

Tags vs Tattoos: Which Is Better For Animal Identification?

Once you get more than just a few animals in your herd things can start to get confusing. If you have a small herd for pets or fun, no big deal. More than that requires some planned identification. Should you use tags or tattoos, or both? What are the advantages and disadvantages of either? Ear…

Animal Husbandry vs. Livestock Farming: What’s The Difference?

Animal Husbandry vs. Livestock Farming: What’s The Difference?

Wondering what exactly is the difference between animal husbandry and livestock farming? At first, the two phrases seem the same, but actually they refer to two separate aspects of raising livestock. Livestock farming is raising livestock to sell for income. Animal husbandry refers to the way the farmer/rancher interacts with the livestock. Animal husbandry is…

Buying At The Livestock Auction:  7 Things To Know Before You Go

Buying At The Livestock Auction: 7 Things To Know Before You Go

I love auctions, but have to admit they take some getting used to if you are new. You need to understand what’s going on before you decide to purchase anything for yourself! Let’s look into the things you should have figured out before you buy! Before buying at a livestock auction, you should prepare by…