Here are the livestock guides that I have put together to help you figure out if raising livestock is a good choice for you, your family and your farm.

Are You Ready For A Family Cow?
If you have thought about getting a family cow but are not sure if you are ready or have no idea even where to start, this is the guide for you!
I’ll walk you through all of the things you need to have figured out (or at least have a good idea about) before you buy your cow.
Get the Family Cow Bonus Pack! The Bonus Pack includes both the audio and the text guides, worksheets and checklist, too! (This is the best deal of the family cow options!)
Just want one of the guides? (but not the bonus materials)
Are You Ready For A Family Cow comes also in an audio or text version, if you would prefer to get one of the guides as a stand alone product (without the other guide, worksheets and/or checklist).
Audio Guide

Text Guide

The guide comes in audio or text. If you want to get both guides, the worksheets and the checklist, too, get the Family Cow Bonus Pack listed at the top!